The full form of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and the disease is caused by the human immune-deficiency virus, also known as HIV.
HIV virus attacks the body’s defence immune system.. Once it is inside the body, this virus invades the white blood cells, which normally fight off disease, then it multiplies and destroys them. It also breeds inside the brain. Three to four years normally elapse between infection with HIV and any subsequent development of the symptoms associated with AIDS.
AS AIDS develops the body's natural defenses become depleted, and the AIDS patient is increasingly likely to contract diseases that a healthy body would normally ward off, and so rare forms of cancer and pneumonia develop. Sometimes AIDS patients are attacked by several infections at once, such as Candida, herpes and TB. At the same time, the brain may succumb to increasingly severe dementia. Somewhere between one in ten and one in three of those infected with HIV are likely to develop AIDS. As yet there is no cure for AIDS. AIDS usually progresses through various infections and stages of increasing debility to the eventual death of the sufferer.
That crushes your immune power and leads to opportunistic diseases, like pneumonia, tuberculosis or Kaposi’s sarcoma, a rare from of cancer. High-risk sex includes unprotected sex with strangers, sex with many partners, unprotected oral sex and just about any other activity where you swap bodily fluids.
Chlamydia is a common STD all over world. It’s a bacterial infection.Symptoms consist of urethral discharge, a burning sensation during urination and, occasionally, swelling of the testicles. Complication of this can be epididymitis, and inflammation in the scrotum that may leave the man sterile.
Genital Warts
Warts are viral infection acquired during sexual intercourse.When the warts grow, they look like raised or flat bumps and are usually located along the penis or anal region.
Gonorrhea (Gonococcal Urethritis)
It is caused by the bacterium Nesseria gonorrhoea. Symptoms include pus discharge from urethra, burning & pain during urination and sometimes swelling of the penile head. It spreads through sexual contact.
Herpes (Genital herpes)
The herpes virus is a very common sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms are tingling and itching at the site of infection & a painful ulcer appears on penis at exposed area. After initial healing it may recur again.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection spreads through sex or kissing. Initial symptom is a firm nodule at penis followed by ulcer formation. It is of following types Primary syphilis Secondary Syphilis, Latent syphilis, Teritiary syphilis, Congenital syphilis, Endemic syphilis
Non-Specific urethritis or NSU (Non-gonococcal Urethritis) it also spreads through sex. There is discharge from the vagina or penis. It is caused by any of the following causative agent Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urelyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium
Candioda species, Anaerobes, Trichomonas vaginalis, Herpes genitalis, Unidentified / idiopathic. Some times it may be Persistent/recurrent non-gonococcal urethritis or Prolonged urethritis.
Candidal Balanitis (Thrush) is a fungal infection that may also spread through sexual intercourse Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STD having symtom similar to other kind of urethritis
Diagnostic tests Urine may show threads or ‘beads of pus’ positive leycocyte esterase test. Gram Stain Culture Molecular identification Methelyne blue stain Antigen detection techniques Poly merase chain reaction Trichomonas vaginalis Fungi detection test Herpes simplex virus antibodies Anti-T. pallidum immunoglobulin M (IgM) Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) T.pallidum haemagglutination assay (TPHA) enzymelinked immunosorbend essay T. pallidum immoblization (TPI) test or fluroscent treponemal antibody absorption
TREATMENT of Various Sexually Transmitted Diseaes are: Spectinomycin Ceftriaxone Co-trimoxazole Doxycycline 100 mg Amoxoxycillin Ceftriaxone Erythromycin Azithromycin Doxycycline Ofloxacin Penicillin Doxycycline Minocycline Flurouracil Podophylline
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